Journal Publications Details
Full submission
- Participants who interested to share your works in ICEAST2021 have to submit abstracts through the ICEAST2021 submission system for publishing consideration.
- Please select only ONE journal for your full-paper submission. Please note that the submitted manuscript must align with the journal scope. If it is not, it may be rejected.
- The conference participants must submit your full paper following guidelines for each journal.
- Full papers must be submitted through the ICEAST2021 submission system for pre-reviewed (or full review). Then the editor will contact the author directly for journal submission later.
- After a peer-reviewed process, the following journals will publish selected works (the publication process time is depending upon each journal).
Journals supported
Web of Knowledge
- Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [WOS:Q2]
- Sensors and Materials [WOS:Q3]
- Journal of Web Engineering [WOS:Q4]
- Integrated Ferroelectrics [WOS:Q4]
- Publishing 10-20 manuscripts
- Instruction for authors
Elsevier’s Scopus Index
- Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [SJR:Q1]
- Journal of Mobile Multimedia [SJR:Q2]
- Sensors and Materials [SJR:Q3]
- Journal of Web Engineering [SJR:Q3]
- Integrated Ferroelectrics [SJR:Q3]
- Current Applied Science and Technology (CAST) [SJR:Q4]
TCI: Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre
- IEEE Xplore – Scopus index
- Download Template
- Instructions for authors
- Authors have to create a copyright form in our submission system.
- AIP Conference Proceeding – Scopus index
- Instruction for authors
- AIP will collect all copyright transfer forms electronically. For this we will have to hand out the author contact information (name, affiliation and e-mail address) to AIP. AIP will send all authors an email inviting them to complete their electronic “License to Publish Agreement”.
- Official peer-reviewed ICEAST2021 proceeding